The Bavarian State Archaeological Collection publishes several series of publications: monographs, online publications, museum guides and brochures on special exhibitions. The main building in Munich is also home to the office for the annual journal "Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter", which is published by the Commission for Bavarian State History at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Attention: Volume 2 "Münzschatz" is unfortunately out of print. The table of contents of the current volume 88 (2023) can be found here.
Note: If you require image material for your own publications, you will find useful information on the procedure here.
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge (ABAS) of the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection
Publications can be ordered here - if not available directly from the publisher.
Free download:
Melanie Marx
An early to high medieval settlement before becoming a town.
With contributions by Ronny Friedrich, Franz Herzig, Andrea Seim and Bernd Trautmann
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Digital Band 2
Ed. by Rupert Gebhard, 97 pp. with 5 illustrations and 52 plates, Munich 2020
ISBN 978-3-927806-47-4
You can find the link to the free download here.
Claudia Hoffmann
Das bajuwarische Reihengräberfeld
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Digital Band 3
Ed. by Rupert Gebhard, 195 pp. with 6 tables, 35 illustrations and 39 plates, Munich 2020
ISBN 978-3-927806-48-1
You can find the link to the free download here.
Helga Furtmayr
An early medieval cemetery outside the city
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Digital Band 1
Edited by Rupert Gebhard, 111 pp. with 5 illustrations and 52 plates, Munich 2017
ISBN 978-3-927806-44-3
You can find the link to the free download here .
Publications subject to a charge:
Thomas Groll/Brigitte Haas-Gebhard/Christof Paulus (ed.)
Der Grabfund von Wittislingen und die östliche Alemannia im frühen Mittelalter
Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins für Schwaben, Band 114
Augsburg 2022, 29,00 Euro
ISBN 978-3-95786-298-3
Rupert Gebhard and Rüdiger Krause
Archaeological and scientific analyses of the gold and amber finds from Bernstorfer Berg near Kranzberg, Upper Bavaria
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, vol. 3
Edited by Rupert Gebhard, Munich 2016, 49.00 euros
ISBN 978-3-927806-43-6
Brigitte Haas-Gebhard
A burial group from around AD 500 near Munich.
Abhandlungen und Bestandskataloge
der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Vol. 1
Ed. by Rupert Gebhard, Munich 2013, 25.00 euros
ISBN 978-3-927806-38-2
Exhibition and museum guides:
Mathias Will and Arno Rettner
Grünwald Castle - Castles in Bavaria (Volume 1)
with contributions by Harald Schulze, Ludwig Wamser and Ellen Bosnjak, Munich 2015, 9.90 euros
ISBN 978-3-927806-40-5
Heiner Schwarzberg, Bernd Steidl and Mathias Will
Bad Windsheim - Hausbau und Siedlungswesen in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit (Volume 2)
Munich 2015, 9.90 euros
ISBN 978-3-927806-41-2
Mathias Will, Arno Rettner and Heiner Schwarzberg
Bad Königshofen - Über Grenzen (Volume 3)
with contributions by Rupert Gebhard, Doris Lettmann, Bernd Steidl and Bernward Ziegaus, Munich 2021, 11.90 euros
ISBN 978-3-927806-49-8
Exhibition catalogues:
Archaeological State Collection. Paths through Bavaria's past
Opening publication for the reopening of the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection
Edited by Rupert Gebhard, Munich 2024, 20.00 euros
ISBN 978-3-7917-3515-3 www.verlag-pustet.de
or ISBN 978-3-927806-51-6 (directly via the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection)
Bernd Steidl
Limesund Römerschatz, RömerMuseum Weißenburg
Exhibition catalogues of the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection, vol. 41
Ed. by Rupert Gebhard, Friedberg 2019
160 pp. with 193 illus, 19.80 euros
ISBN 978-3-9820130-0-8
Gertrud Platz-Horster
Antike Gemmen aus Bayern
in der Archäologischen Staatssammlung München
Ausstellungskataloge der Archäologischen Staatssammlung, Vol. 42
Ed. by Rupert Gebhard, Munich 2018, 16.90 euros
166 pp. with numerous illustrations
ISBN 978-3-927806-45-0
Rupert Gebhard
Die Bilderwelt der Kelten
Exhibition catalogue of the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection, Vol. 43
with catalogue contributions by Andrea Lorentzen and Mathias Will
Munich 2018, 10 euros
46 p., colour illustrations throughout
ISBN 978-3-927806-46-7